Problematization of corruption and anti-corruption policy in modern Chinese society: scientifc and offcial political and legal discourses

  • Mamychev A.Yu.

    Mamychev A.Yu. – doctor of political sciences, candidate of Law Sciences, associate professor, Head Of The Department Of The Theory And History Russian And Foreign Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Zou Lihui

    Zou Lihui – candidate of political sciences, Head of the international department, Heilongjiang University of Technology


As an object of research offcial and scientifc interpretations of corruption and corruption interaction in modern Chinese society and also the key directions and forms of anti-corruption policy in China acted. Authors use “a problematization method” in work, proving that specifcs of understanding and interpretation of basic problems and contradictions of social development and also practice of their decision, in many respects cause concrete historical type of political and legal thinking of society and orientation of public policy. In work crossdisciplinary approach to consideration of corruption, its universal and cultural characteristics is implemented. Modern offcial positions, analytical materials, teoretiko-conceptual versions and research approaches in which they problematizirutsya a form and practice of corruption interaction in China acted as an empirical basis of a research. Besides, work leans, mainly, on the Chinese sources and empirical data which were obtained by
authors during the conversations and interviewing (mainly expert poll). In the content of work offcial and scientifc interpretations of corruption are discussed, it is analyzed the main defnitions of the last and also forms of practical fght and social and legal technologies of prevention of corruption interaction.

Keywords: anti-corruption policy, state, legislation, corruption, moral standards, society, right, public and imperious practice, legal responsibility.